Almost every male who goes to the gym is going to be concerned with building better biceps. It’s a muscle group that is coveted by many as it’s one of the more significant aesthetic muscles on the body. When you…
Author: dbol
Cheap Homemade Home Gym Fitness Accessories
Many people would like to get fit, build muscle strength and lose some weight but not everyone can afford to buy fitness equipment, whether an expensive exercise machine or more affordable fitness accessories like dumbbells. Those on a tight budget…
Using Exercises That Will Help You Reach Your Goals
When you are creating a strength training program it is very important that you include effective strength training exercises. If you don’t then you are going to spend far more time in the gym than you have to and will…
Focus on Power for In-Season Volleyball Training
With speed and explosiveness at a premium on the volleyball court, strength gains earned during summer weight workouts and the sports quickness developed during agility training need to be maintained and even built upon. Volleyball training needs to be sport…
Getting to the Core
Your body’s core — the area around your trunk and pelvis — is where your center of gravity is located. When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony. They…
Strength Train To Add Mass In The Arms
An old saying is, “Be humble or be humbled.” What does this have to do with building bigger biceps? Well, too many people let their ego get in the way of progress. The weight room is the last place to…
Exercises To Get Six-Pack Abs
No matter what anyone says, no one wants a “spare tire,” beer-belly, gut, paunch, potbelly or a “muffin top” above the waistband. Everyone wants a flat stomach. People want a “six-pack” or “washboard” abs. A flat stomach is easy on…
Free Weights or Machines
“What is the best machine for me?” “What is the best machine for this or that body part?” With the exception of a few specialized pieces of functional equipment, machines in your gym or home are designed to fit the…
Get Firm Abs
Many people are after a flat, sexy midsection but what most people don’t know is that resistance training or ab exercises alone, will not get rid of any surrounding belly fat. The only way that the abdominal muscles will begin…