teen bodybuilder

Prevalence Of Teen Steroid Use And Abuse

While the media often sheds a negative light on this use, if often doesn’t get past teen athletes the fact that these athletes were able to achieve great things while using the drugs. Teens often see steroid use as a necessity to succeed in athletics and the need to not get caught is just an […]

oral steroids

How Steroids Work

Steroids are not just a magical solution that just randomly adds lean muscle mass to the body. There is a lot of science behind how all steroids work and what you can do to get the biggest benefits with the fewest side effects. To start, anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the male sex hormone […]

hormone replacement therapy

Medical Uses – HRT/TRT

While steroid use is most often documented in the media as a illegal use for performance enhancement, there are legitimate medical uses for steroids. Once of these is hormone replacement therapy, specifically testosterone therapy. Males who are good candidates for testosterone replacement therapy have many problems that are often embarrassing to admit. These include a […]

progressing workout plan

Methods of Progressing a Workout Plan

To alleviate the problem of feeling like you are not progressing in your workouts, you should continually challenge your body in order to consistently see results. Otherwise you will bore yourself not only in a physical plane, but in a mental and emotional plane as well. There are a number of methods you can use […]


Squatting with Mixed Method Training

Squats should be at the heart of any strength and conditioning programme. Here is another great training session using the principles of mixed method training. This is a tough, but can be adapted to trainers of any level simply by adjusting the weights used. Warm Up With Stretching and Foam Rolling As always, it is […]

normal weight obesity

Normal Weight Obesity

Would it surprise you to know that if you are thin you might still be at risk for obesity-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes? If you have normal weight obesity, you are. Normal weight obesity is defined as having normal body weight as determined by body mass index (BMI), […]

weight lifting football

New Weight Lifting for Football

Not so long ago, the three kings of the weight room were the bench press, the squat and the deadlift, and really, the only one anybody talked about was the bench press. (When was the last time you overheard athletes talking about their squat numbers?) Typical football strength workouts might include descending pyramid sets with […]


Re-shape and Burn Fat

The re-programing of muscle cells can take from four to six weeks dependent on age and previous activity levels. If one is not aware of the ups and downs of this process, they can become discouraged as it seems at times one is not making progress. This is especially seen in the elderly who embark […]

push-up techniques

Push-ups Increase Core Strength To Build a Better Body

The major core muscles of the body include the abdominals and mid/lower back muscles (plus hips and glutes). Strengthening the core, when combined with proper diet and aerobic fat-burning exercise, will not only improve balance and posture; but also help tone the entire torso and produce a lean, tapered physique. There are many ways to […]