shoulder routine

Shoulder Routine Can Help Build Overlooked Area

When people talk about their favorite exercises, shoulder workouts are rarely mentioned at the top of the list. But the truth is that most shoulder exercises not only work the targeted area but can strengthen the core and work your entire arm. How the Shoulders Work The shoulder muscles are responsible for moving the arms […]

strength training women

Strength Training for Women

So you’ve been eating healthy and doing cardio exercise for months and months. You’ve successfully lost weight, but you wonder why you’re just a skinnier version of your former overweight self. While good eating habits and aerobic exercise are an important part of optimum health, there’s no better way for a woman to transform her […]

weight bearing exercises

Weight Bearing Exercises

Weight bearing exercises build bone mass and ward off osteoporosis. In Canada, osteoporosis (“porous” bones) affects one in four women and one in eight men over 50. It is characterized by a gradually lose of bone density, which increases the risk of fractures. Our bone mass is constantly being displaced and replaced and many factors […]

wrists exercise

Simple Exercises to Strengthen the Wrists

Think of all the sports requiring good wrist strength. There’s golf, tennis, racquetball, bowling, basketball, hockey, baseball and various martial arts. Bodybuilders like to show off muscled biceps and chests but often neglect the wrists. Strong wrists will be less prone to fractures and carpal tunnel syndrome, which is painful and debilitating. There are lots […]

spring core training

Spring Core Training for Summer Sports Advantage

If it is your intention to excel in your favorite summer sporting activity or even pursue a new challenge this summer, you may want to consider the following. All power produced by the upper and lower body musculature emanates from, is stabilized by, or is transferred through the core. As you develop core strength you […]

maximum muscle growth

Achieve Maximum Muscle Growth By Avoiding These Errors

While there are many different ways to perform strength training exercises, there are definitely some big mistakes that you will want to avoid. If you are making these errors you are most likely sacrificing some of the fitness benefits you could be seeing as well as having a progress rate that is severely stalled. 1. […]


The Ups and Lows of Fitness

Peripheral Heart Action training (PHA) is a dynamic way to exercise, using controlled resistance exercises in a way that makes your heart pump faster – much like aerobic training. PHA alternates upper body exercises with a lower body exercises, allowing you to maximise your results in minimum time. PHA is quickly becoming the preferred workout […]

best core exercises

The Best Core Exercises

OK, this is a big one. Everyone wants to know how to get the infamous six-pack. As you know, core conditioning does not just entail the abs. Although it is important to train your abdominals, it is just as important to condition the internal and external obliques and the erectors as well. A core-conditioning program […]

building stronger leg muscles

Building Stronger Leg Muscles

One of the best strength training exercises for leg strength is the squat. The reason this exercise is so effective is because it targets a very large number of muscle fibres in the lower body. When you are trying to greatly increase your strength, this is going to be a primary goal. One of the […]