No matter what anyone says, no one wants a “spare tire,” beer-belly, gut, paunch, potbelly or a “muffin top” above the waistband. Everyone wants a flat stomach. People want a “six-pack” or “washboard” abs. A flat stomach is easy on…
Category: Bodybuilding
Free Weights or Machines
“What is the best machine for me?” “What is the best machine for this or that body part?” With the exception of a few specialized pieces of functional equipment, machines in your gym or home are designed to fit the…
Get Firm Abs
Many people are after a flat, sexy midsection but what most people don’t know is that resistance training or ab exercises alone, will not get rid of any surrounding belly fat. The only way that the abdominal muscles will begin…
5 Exercises To Create A Powerful Lower Body
Legs, along with the core, are the foundation for functional strength. Muscles achieve proper function with exercises that simulate the body’s basic movement patterns: squat, bend, lunge, push, pull and twist. Big legs start with big hips. Perhaps the athletes…
Trap, Delt and Rotator Cuff Exercises
If you want to build big muscles in your shoulders and upper back, you should know that the shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint, much like the hip. However, the shoulder is much more sensitive and at a greater risk…
Exercises to Improve Vertical Leap
To develop a specific exercise program for any movement or sports skill requires some basic information. First, the individual needs to understand the mechanics of the movement along with the muscles most involved in that movement. Second, the individual needs…
Functional Training
The goal of most diet and exercise programs is to improve the look of the body. People are always looking for the magic exercise, pill or diet to achieve the “perfect” body. One of the recent trends is functional training.…
Great Exercises for Hamstrings
Your hamstring muscle is actually a group of three muscles running along the backside of your thigh. Strong hamstrings are very important for athletes. Training them properly can help you lengthen your stride, give you more power, improve your balance…
Beach Body Core Workout
If you anticipate wearing a swimsuit this summer, chances are you’ve already begun tailoring your workouts for weight loss and muscle toning. Maybe you’ve shed the winter weight from your midsection and are looking to show off the six-pack that’s…