weight bearing exercises

Weight Bearing Exercises

Weight bearing exercises build bone mass and ward off osteoporosis. In Canada, osteoporosis (“porous” bones) affects one in four women and one in eight men over 50. It is characterized by a gradually lose of bone density, which increases the risk of fractures. Our bone mass is constantly being displaced and replaced and many factors […]

functional strength training

The Functional Strength Training Debate Continues

An example of a muscle imbalance is when a stiff lower back causes the hamstring muscles to be tight and the adductor (groin) muscles become weak. Fitness professionals have two theories to correct this problem. One is to train movements like a side lunge with a twist. The other is to place the affected person […]

functional training

Functional Training

The goal of most diet and exercise programs is to improve the look of the body. People are always looking for the magic exercise, pill or diet to achieve the “perfect” body. One of the recent trends is functional training. The idea behind functional strength training is that the body is integrated, with hundreds of […]

hamstrings exercises

Great Exercises for Hamstrings

Your hamstring muscle is actually a group of three muscles running along the backside of your thigh. Strong hamstrings are very important for athletes. Training them properly can help you lengthen your stride, give you more power, improve your balance and stabilize your knees. So working your hamstrings will lower your risk of injuries. Function […]