Not so long ago, the three kings of the weight room were the bench press, the squat and the deadlift, and really, the only one anybody talked about was the bench press. (When was the last time you overheard athletes…
Tag: weight lifting
Achieve Maximum Muscle Growth By Avoiding These Errors
While there are many different ways to perform strength training exercises, there are definitely some big mistakes that you will want to avoid. If you are making these errors you are most likely sacrificing some of the fitness benefits you…
Strength Training – Why Should I Cycle?
Part of the reason is simply that the more variety you include in a workout, the more it’s likely to keep your interest. And, studies show that boredom is a major reason many people drop out of weight lifting programs.…
A Muscle Building Extravaganza
Muscle building and strength gains go hand-in-hand. If a muscle becomes bigger, it will get stronger. If a muscle gets stronger, it will become bigger. Jumping, sprinting and near-maximal weight training induce the fastest gains. Why? Muscles come in two…
Strength Train To Add Mass In The Arms
An old saying is, “Be humble or be humbled.” What does this have to do with building bigger biceps? Well, too many people let their ego get in the way of progress. The weight room is the last place to…